
Clean Fragrance Sampler from Sephora

Processed with VSCO with m3 preset

Sephora Favorites Clean Fragrance Sampler is a well curated box featuring 7 perfume samples from the clean collection, These are perfumes that are not only cruelty free but also made without ingredients you may not want in your beauty products like sulfates, paraben, Phthalates, formaldehyde etc..

You will be able to purchase the box, take as long as you want to try on every scent before making a decision. and then take the  scent certificate (which you will find in the box)  to a Sephora store near you to redeem for a full-size fragrance at no additional cost. 

Here are all the perfumes you can expect to find in your box :

 By Rosie Jane Leila Lou

Clean Reserve Skin 

Ellis Brooklyn Myth 

 Phlur Hanami 

Skylar Isle 

The 7 Virtues Vanilla Woods 

Processed with VSCO with m3 preset

Each perfume has a unique scent from light to strong, spicy to flowery –you are sure to find a summer fragrance. After spending about a week testing out each scent and getting some feedback from my friends, it came down to  By Rosie Jane Leila Lou and Clean Reserve Skin. It was a tough decision but in the end By Rosie won my heart. Leila Lou is the perfect blend of the 3 ingredients used; pear, jasmine and fresh cut grass. The smell is not overwhelming , it feels fresh and even better lasts a long time. it’s important to also note that the samplers are perfect for traveling. Head to a sephora near you because your favorite summer fragrance  might just be around the corner.


-Mama Cax


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