
This is how you grow your inner wallflower and see it flourish.


It’s easy to feel invisible when you live in a big city. Standing out doesn’t have to be everyone’s goal but it certainly has it’s perks, regardless of the setting.

As a creative I like to play around with patterns and colors, matching my prosthetic covers to my outfit while wearing colorful eyeliners and bold jewelry. While this is my way of showcasing my over the top and  fun personality, it doesn’t always work in every setting. As a professional model, when I meet a client, my goal is to be a blank canvas, often equipped with blue jeans, a simple white T-shirt and no makeup,  I don’t let that stop me from standing out, I make it a point to arrive on time (because punctuality is so sexy…at least to me) walk  with confidence and greet everyone.

I wasn’t always a social butterfly; going to fashion shows and mingling with stylish bloggers. However, when I had a 9 to 5 office job, most of these rules came in handy. During a job interview  I’d always wear a suit, because no one forgets a woman in suit, and although I stuck to the colors of a traditional interview outfit, I always managed to sneak in colorful sock or a bold ring. Even more important than what I wore, I never stepped into an office without my favorite accessory; my confidence.

In the end it comes down to being yourself and not afraid to break a rule or two.

-Mama Cax

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