
Skin care regimen

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Until the age of 25 I was fortunate to have impeccable skin. I’d do a full face makeup on a Friday, party until Saturday morning, head to brunch then go shopping for a new outfit to party on Saturday night. Besides a lipstick change, I wouldn’t thoroughly wash my face for a couple of days. In retrospect I realize how unsanitary this was but I was young and wild. Now that I am in my late 20’s, my skin is different and requires a lot more care. My biggest advice is that you don’t go around the internet looking for a skin care regimen because frankly we are all different. How your skin acts and reacts to products and the environment is based on genetics, your body chemicals and diet- with that said, there is a vicious trend among instagrammers of not disclaiming their skin regimen claiming their clear skin is a result of drinking plenty of water-(Must be some holy water). Yes I know you have a fancy dermatologist on the upper east side, I know you tried the vampire facial, I know your skincare products cost a fortune- no shade, but shade!!

So here’s My skin identity

Gene: everyone in my family has average skin, in general no major acne problems but huge eczema problem.

Environment: I live in New York, need I say more! Very polluted environment. But I have lived in different countries and I can say that my skin has acted the same in each environment.

Diet: I have been transitioning to a healthy diet for the past 5 days.

Type of skin : Sensitive, Used to be dry but now I have combination skin.

Skin Regimen

On a regular day when I’m wearing minimal to no makeup, I wash my face with Cetaphil’s Daily cleanser. It “removes excess oil without drying”, my sister who has oily skin also swears by it.

With a clean face, I dip a small towel in warm water and place it over my face for 20 seconds, this allows my pores to open up in order to additionally clean it with Bioderma’s micellaire water. I didn’t know about micellaire water until I went to France. French people are known to take their skincare very seriously so if it’s good for them, it’s good for me.

Then I use cotton pads to apply a toner in order to shrink my pores and help balance my skin’s PH level. If you have oily skin it’s a good product to remove excess oil. Add a little toner to a cotton pad then pat all over your face and neck. I spray my face with Mario Badescu’s rose water, (which is also good to set your makeup) it contains aloe, herbs and rose water. This concoction helps reduce redness especially if your skin gets irritated. Rose water is said to help get rid of acne & eczema.

To finish, I use Korres’ pomegranate face cream. If it’s a night wash, I use Origin’s Drink up overnight mask (if you have oily skin I wouldn’t recommend it)

As you can see, on a regular day I use about 5 products. Once a week I add one extra step. Right after my cetaphil wash I would do a charcoal mask treatment or use Boscia’s black peel mask. They are both good for pulling dirt out of your pores.

I wouldn’t say that I’ve figured out the perfect skin regiment for my skin, but through trial and error I’ve found a regimen that works(at least for now). Your skin might require different care based on your diet or the season. If your skin problem persists , definitely see a dermatologist. Many of us tend to cringe at overpriced skin care products but rarely hesitate to buy expensive makeup and this needs to change. Put your skin’s wellbeing first, your 40 year old self will thank you!

-Mama Cax

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